Archives for Events
METALS consortium 2nd meeting (internal), San Sebastian, Spain
23-24 June 2016, San Sebastian, Spain
Workshop “Additive Technologies: new skills and new jobs”
13 July 2016 | Cameri, Italy On 13 July, a METALS’ project workshop was organised by UCIMU – SISTEMI PER PRODURRE, a CECIMO member, with members of AITA (the Association…
Jornadas sobre Fabricación Aditiva
31/05 to 02/06/2016 | Bilbao, Spain Download the full programme
CECIMO Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing European Conference 2016
25 May 2016 The need for a common European strategy to ensure Europe’s leading role in AM in the future is highlighted High-level representatives from companies, EU institutions, think tanks…
List of events
In the future we will have announcements plus information for events.