Project Objectives
METALS’ overall goal is to increase the competitiveness of the EU machine tool industry and boost the employability of workforce by:
- providing a detailed analysis of current and future (2025) occupations and entrepreneurial skills needed in four key areas for the sector (design, assembly, operation and maintenance) in line with emerging technologies;
- increasing the relevance of VET curriculum by developing entrepreneurship learning units at EQF level 5;
- equipping learners across Europe with entrepreneurial skills through OER endorsed by the industry;
- boosting entrepreneurial skills through work-based learning;
- improving the image of the sector among the machine tools workforce;
- supporting EU-level education and training policies and tools to ensure transparency and to increase labour mobility in the sector.
Specific objectives and how challenges will be addressed by the METALS project
Objective 1 – build the EU machine tool industry skills panorama to identify current and future (2025) occupations and entrepreneurship skills needed by the industry in the four key areas (design, assembly, operation and maintenance), in line with emerging technologies in the sector. Objective 1 addresses the challenge of weak labour market information and intelligence in the EU metalworking machine tool industry.
Objective 2 – prepare quality assurance guidelines providing VET providers of the sector with a framework on designing curriculum and OER-based learning programmes with a focus on entrepreneurship skills covering the whole cycle of quality assurance (planning, implementation, evaluation and review) in line with the EQAVET principles. Objective 2 addresses the challenge of irrelevant curriculum in the sector and lack of knowledge about and use of OER in VET.
Objective 3 – design a curriculum addressing the skills needs of the sector identifying and describing units, formal learning outcomes and self and peer-assessment tools in line with ECVET principles.
Objective 4 – prepare e-learning materials for each learning unit corresponding to the learning outcomes expected. Objective 3 and 4 address the challenge of irrelevant curriculum, outdated learning materials and lack of entrepreneurial skills in the EU machine tool industry.
Objective 5 – build the METALS e-learning platform making the curriculum and e-learning materials available for the use of stakeholders. Objective 5 addresses the challenge of limited access to new learning materials in the sector.
Objective 6 – in partnership with machine tool companies promote work-based learning to turn the knowledge gained via the METALS e-learning platform into skills and competences and improve project’s results. Objective 6 addresses the challenge of workforce who does not possess the practical skills and competences needed by the industry.
Objective 7 – develop endorsement and recognition tools for METALS learning outcomes such as a Memorandum of Understanding signed by 30 stakeholders. Objective 7 addresses the challenge of limited qualification recognition among VET providers and of limited workforce mobility in the EU metalworking machine tool industry.
Objective 8 – design and implement a dissemination strategy ensuring exploitation and sustainable use of project results after the project. Objective 8 underpins all other objectives and also contributes to efforts aimed at improving the image of VET provision in the sector and attracting skilled workforce.